Matt Willey was brought in by design director Arem Duplessis to help redesign the weekly magazine.
The following are early examples of the redesigned pages.
All the pages shown here are designed by the NYT magazine staff:
Design Director: Arem Duplessis
Art Director: Gail Bichler
Designers: Caleb Bennett, Lamar Clark, Sara Cwynar, Hillary Greenbaum, Leo Jung, Erika Lee
Director of Photography: Kathy Ryan
Deputy Photo Editor: Joanna Milter
Photo Editors: Stacey Baker, Marvin Orellana, Luise Stauss
Examples of contents pages:
Examples of the front of book opener pages:
Examples of the Q&A ‘Talk’ pages. Portraits by Ryan Pfluger:
Examples of infographic pages. Illustrations by La Tigre:
Examples of the ‘You Are Here’ page:
An example of the ‘Versus’ page, illustrated by Ian Johnson and the ‘This Month on the Internet’ page:
Examples of the reintroduced feature ‘What They Were Thinking’:
An example of the ‘Profile’ spread which opens up the feature-well:
An example of a feature opener using the new NYTE Condensed typeface, drawn by Dino dos Santos:
An example of a feature using the reintroduced Stymie typeface. Illustrations by Patrick Leger:
Two examples of the new photo-essay feature, called ‘Look’, that opens the back of book:
An examples of the new Mark Bittman ‘Food’ pages:
Examples of the new ‘Riff’ pages featuring regular illustrations by Tom Gauld:
Copyright © 2025 Matthew Willey